النظام الدراسي

يتم توزيع البرنامج التعليمي على مدى خمس سنوات. مقسمة إلى 10 فصول / فصول دراسية. يستمر الفصل الدراسي 14-16 أسبوعًا. (إجمالي 320-360 أسبوعًا يساوي 6900 ساعة اتصال)

ينقسم المنهج إلى ثلاث مراحل: الهيكل الطبيعي: الأساس (ثمانية أسابيع) ، علم وظائف الأعضاء ، علم التشريح والكيمياء الحيوية (64 أسبوعًا) بنية غير طبيعية (32 أسبوعًا) رعاية المرضى / السريرية (70 أسبوعًا).

<Abnormal StructurePara clinical sciencesSemester 5+6Pharmacology180Final

UST Faculty of Medicine

Curricular Contact Hours (CH)

Phase Semester Subject Hours Comments
Phase I
Normal structureKnowledge of Basic medical sciences
Semester 1 Scientific English language 90 Final.
Medical informatics & e health 30 Final.
Human Biology 60 Final
Human Chemistry 60 Final

General physiology, fluids, electrolytes & haemostasias

180 Final
Anatomy: Embryology & histology

General anatomy

240 Final
Semester 2 Biochemistry 162 Cont.
Anatomy 228 Cont.
Physiology 162 Cont.
Semester 3+4 Integrated Patient Care (IPC) 1

Acute care and Basic life support, Trauma life support

Professionalism &Ethics 15
Biochemistry 324 Total 486 hours

Intermediate Exam

Anatomy 456 Total 684 hours.

Intermediate Exam

Physiology 324 Total 486 hours.

Intermediate Exam

Phase II
Abnormal StructurePara clinical sciences
Pathology 360 Final
Microbiology 300 Final
Integrated Patient Care(IPC) 2 180 Cont.
Research Methodology &Biostatistics 30 Cont.
Phase III

Patient care

Clinical studies

Semester 7+8 Community Medicine 260 Final. Total Sem. 1+6+7+8= 380 hours
Family Medicine 30
Acute Medicine (emergency &intensive care)


Professionalism and communication Skills 15
Integrated Patient Care(IPC)   3

Problem Solving

Forensic medicine 150 Final exam.
Surgery 150 Cont.
Internal medicine 180 Cont.
Obs. & Gynaecology 150 Cont.
Paediatrics 150 Cont.
Subspecialties (internal medicine) 220
Skin diseases (60), Psychiatry(60)

Radiology (40), Radiotherapy (20)

Part of Continuous assessment exams. in Internal Medicine
Subspecialties surgery :
ENT(40), Ophthalmology(40) Anesthesia (40), Orthopeadics (64) 184 Part of Continuous assessment exams. in Surgery.
Semester 9+10 Internal medicine 340 Final total (semesters 5,6,7,8,9,10) = 920 hours, including related sub specialties
Surgery 300 Final total sem. 7,8,9,10 =734 hours. including related sub specialties
Obs. & Gyn. 200 Final total sem. 7,8,9,10 =350 hours
Paediatrics  200 Final total sem. 7,8,9,10   = 350 hours
Acute Care  ALS/ATLS 20
Integrated Patient Care(IPC)   4

Diagnostic investigations &problem solving

Patient Centered good practice


Professionalism,Communication Skills ,system &practice based learning

EBM, KI, Safe prescribing, Medicine & law &religion

Total Hours= from sem. 1 to 10 = 6020 hours.
