1. Introduction and rationale
Education Development Center (EDC) is an academic body concerned with
education improvement, health promotion, and raising economic
opportunity. It collaborates with both public and private partners to develop
and carry specific programs and then evaluate the outcome. This programs
include curricula, courses, workshops and any other activity concerned with
capacity building and professional development.
Since there is an increase in number of medical schools, increase in health
services demand and changes appeared in area of teaching and learning (for
example: electronic learning), here comes the importance of creating a body
like EDC to help the institutes and society to provide the optimum health
2. Vision
Being a model of excellence in medical education nationally and
3. Mission
To meet the national and international standards of qualified health
professions in our graduates.
4. Goals
The main goal of the EDC is to support the institute completing its mission in
the education process. This includes both teachers and learners. The support
comes with emphasis on education, service and research bounding them to
public health, professionalism, teamwork, leadership and social
5. Objectives
a) Support in curricula revision and updates.
b) Conducting workshops and courses to provide continuous profession
c) Help both teachers and learners in research.
d) Program evaluation.
e) Capacity building.
f) Skills training.
g) Extracurricular programs.
6. Offices
a) Head of the center (Administration).
b) Secretary of the center (Administration).
c) CPD office (For both, teachers and students)
d) Curricula office (Advisory in revision and update of curricula).
e) Student support office (Provides support in curricular and extra–curricular
7. Resources
a) Human (Health professions personnel, secretary and workers).
b) Physical (Offices and teaching halls).
c) Financial